Monday, August 8, 2016

Switchgear And protection

Q1:- In electrical fault can be caused by 

  1. insulation faliure 
  2. mechanical faliure
  3. both 1 and 2 
  4. none of the above 

Q2:- Type of faults are

  1. symmetrical faults
  2. assymmetrical faults
  3. both 1 and 2 
  4. none of the above

Q3:- In case of short circuit conditions 

  1. low current is flow 
  2. high current is flow
  3. least current is flow
  4. none 

Q4:- In case of open circuit conditions

  1. current is high
  2. current is low
  3. zero current flow
  4. none of the above

Q5:- In fault condition which of the following is true

  1. impedance is low and fault currents are large
  2. impedance is high and fault currents are large
  3. impedance is low and fault currents are low
  4. none of the above

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