Friday, August 26, 2016

Lucknow Metro Questions

Q1:- A large diversity factor means

  1. large plant capacity is required 
  2. increased the unit price of electricity
  3. reduces the unit price of electricity
  4. increases the maximum demand

Q2:-In protection of radial feeders as we go towards source end from father side of the feeder which statement is correct 

  1. the time setting decreases and current setting increases progressively 
  2. the time and current setting of relays goes on decreases progressively
  3. the time and current setting of relays goes on increasing progressively 
  4. the time setting increases and current setting decreases progressively 

Q3:- Merz Price protection of three phase star- delta transformers CTs ae connected as 

  1. on star side of transformers CTs are connected in delta and on delta side of transformer CTs may be connected either in star or delta 
  2. on star side of transformers CTs may be connected either in star or delta and delta side of transformer CTs are connected in star
  3. on star side of transformer CTs are connected in delta and on delta side of transformer CTs are connected in star 
  4. on star side of transformer CTs are connected in delta and on delta side of transformer CTs are connected in delta 

Q4:- Pumped storage plants are used as 

  1. base load plants
  2. peak as well as base load plants 
  3. co generation plants 
  4. peak load plants 

Q5:- In protection of parallel feeders fed at one end 
  1. all the relays used are directional
  2. either directional or non directional can be used 
  3. both directional and non directional relays are used 
  4. all the relays used are non directional 

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