Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Junior Engg. Questions

Q1:- The main advantage of temporary magnets is that we can 

  1. intersect at infinity
  2. intersect within the magnet 
  3. cannot intersect at all
  4. cancel at pole faces 

Q2:- The magnetic material used in permanent magnets is 

  1. ion 
  2. soft steel
  3. nickel
  4. hardened steel

Q3:- In an R-L series circuit the phase difference between applied voltage and circuit current will increase if 

  1. inductance is increased 
  2. R is increased
  3. inductance is decreased 
  4. supply frequency is decreased 

Q4:- The reactance of 1 farad capacitance when connected to a dc circuit is 

  1. infinite
  2. 1 ohm 
  3. 0.5 ohm 
  4. zero ohms 

Q5:- In electrodynamometer ammeter the deflection of the pointer is proportional to 

  1. mean of currents in fixed coil a moving coil 
  2. square of the current in moving coil 
  3. RMS value of the currents in fixed coil 
  4. mean square of currents in fixed coil and moving coil

1 comment:

  1. Respected sir...please elaborate emf equations some day
