Saturday, August 20, 2016

Power Generation Questions

Q1:- KVAR is equal to 

  1. kW tan(fi)
  2. kW sin(fi)
  3. kVA cos (fi)
  4. none of the above

Q2:- Arc lamp operates at

  1. low lagging p.f. 
  2. high leading p.f. 
  3. unity p.f. 
  4. none of these 

Q3:- The maximum value of power factor can be 

  1. 1
  2. 0.9
  3. 0.8
  4. 0.7

Q4:- Power plant having maximum demand more than installed capacity will have uitilization factor

  1. less than 100 %
  2. equal to 100 %
  3. more than 100 % 
  4. none of these 

Q5:- The value of diversity factor is 

  1. less than one 
  2. greater than one 
  3. equal to one
  4. none of the above 

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