Q1:- Function of surge absorber is
Q2:- The rotor of an I.M. rotates due to
Q3:- The resistance R offered by a conductor varies
- to protect apparatus under short circuit fault
- exactly same as lighting arrestor
- to divert surge to earth
- to reduce the steepness of wave front of a surge
Q2:- The rotor of an I.M. rotates due to
- interaction b/w the stator magnetic field and field due to induction current in the rotor
- interaction b/w the stator voltage and rotor voltage
- p[rime mover connected to the motor
- interaction b/w the i/p supply frequency and rotor voltage frequency
Q3:- The resistance R offered by a conductor varies
- directly as its cross sectional area and the resistivity of the material and inversely as its length
- directly as its length and cross sectional area of the material and inversely a sits resistivity
- directly as its resistivity and length of the material and inversely as its cross sectional area
- directly as the temperature and cross sectional area of the material and inversely as its length
Q4:- Safety factor of insulator is the ratio of
- puncture strength to flash over voltage
- flash over voltage to puncture strength
- flash over voltage to line voltage
- line voltage to flash over voltage
Q5:- Power factor can be improved by
- static capacitor
- synchronous condenser
- phase advancers
- all of the above
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