Types of measurements
There are following types of measurements
1. Primary measurements
2. Secondary measurements
3. Tertiary measurements
1.Primary measurements :-
the measurement obtained directly by
observation and compensation is called primary measurement. It needs no
conversion, e.g. measuring length ,
time, mass of a body etc.
2. Secondary measurements:-
these measurement involve one conversion, e.g.
measurement of pressure. In this pressure will be converted into a suitable
form by a transducer and fed to the instrument.
3.Tertiary measurements:-
the measurements
involve two conversion of the quantity
under measurements, e.g. temperature measurement by thermo-couple , in this
measurements the temp is first converted into voltage, which is again converted
into the legible form through a meter.
Some important terminology
Important terms related to
measurements are defined below:-
1. Instrument :-
Instrument is a device
to measure value or magnitude of a quantity or a variable.
2. True
value :-
the true value of a
quantity under measurement may be define as the average of an infinite no. of
measured values when the deviation tends to zero”.
is not possible to measure exact true value of the quantity
3. Error :-
The difference b/w the “measured
value” and “true value” of a quantity is called the error.
4. Accuracy
Accuracy means “conformity to truth ‘ . the accuracy is the “closeness
with which an instrument reading approaches the true value of the quantity
being measured.
= (measured value - true value ) / true value
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