Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Q1:-Transformer works on the principle of 

  1. self induction 
  2. mutual induction
  3. faraday's law of electro magnetic induction
  4. self and mutual induction

Q2:-If dc supply is given to a transformer it will 

  1. work
  2. not work
  3. given lower voltage than the rated voltage on secondary side
  4. burn the winding

Q3:-Different types of transformer are 

  1. core type 
  2. shell type 
  3. berry type 
  4. all of these

Q4:-The self induced voltage of a coil depends upon 

  1. the voltage applied to the coil 
  2. the shape of the iron core
  3. the shape of the bobbin 
  4. the number of turns of the coil 

Q5:-Which of the following is an instrument transformer

  1. bell transformer
  2. adjustable transformer
  3. ignition transformer
  4. current transformer

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