Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Measuring Systems And Instrumentation

Q1:-In a moving coil instrument the deflecting torque is proportional to 

  1. current 
  2. square of the current 
  3. square root of the current 
  4. sine of the measurand

Q2:-Electrostatic instruments are normally used for 

  1. low current measurements
  2. high current measurements
  3. low voltage measurements
  4. high voltage measurements

Q3:-No eddy current and hysteresis losses occur in 

  1. Electro static instruments
  2. PMMC type instruments
  3. moving iron instruments
  4. none of these

Q4:-Creeping is observed in

  1. watt hour meter
  2. power factor meters
  3. wattmeter
  4. ammeter

Q5:-A C.T. is overload when 

  1. the load connected to it is less than its burden
  2. its terminals are short circuited
  3. when its terminals are open circuited 
  4. when the primary current is 110 % of its rated value

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