Saturday, July 30, 2016

Questions Based On DC Derives

Q1:- Type of D.C. drives is 

  1. regenerative 
  2. non regenerative 
  3. single phase D.C. drives
  4. all

Q2:- Which of the following is true for regenerative D.C. drive 

  1. by it speed of motor can be control in both direction
  2. by it can be control motor's speed and torque direction 
  3. both 1 and 2 
  4. none of the above 

Q3:- Which of the following is true for non regenerative d.c. drive 

  1. by it speed of motor and direction of the rotation can control in only one direction
  2. it is cheaper than regenerative drive 
  3. both 1 and 2 
  4. none of the above

Q4:- To increases the motor speed from base speed used 

  1. voltage regulator 
  2. regulator 
  3. field regulator 
  4. none of the above 

Q5:- To decrease the motor's speed from base speed used 

  1. voltage regulator
  2. field regulator
  3. thyristor circuit
  4. none 

1 comment:

  1. the type of dc current we use to run 3 Phase motor and other equipment who already install at home thats why both 1 and 2 is currect
