Friday, July 8, 2016

Junior Engg. Paper Sets

Q1:- The primary and secondary windings of a transformer are wound on the top of earth other in order to reduce...?

  1. winding resistance
  2. copper losses
  3. leakage reactance 
  4. iron losses 

Q2:- A salient pole synchronous motor is operating at 1/4 th full load . if its field current is suddenly switched off it would

  1. run at cub synchronous speed
  2. run at super synchronous speed
  3. continue to run at synchronous speed
  4. stop running

Q3:- What is the maximum number of point of light fan and socket - outlets that can be connected in one sub circuit

  1. 6
  2. 10
  3. 4
  4. 12

Q4:- The acceptable value of ground resistance for domestic application is ?

  1. 1 ohm
  2. 2 ohm
  3. 1.5 ohm
  4. 0.5 ohm

Q5:- Silicon has a preference in IC technology because

  1. it is a covalent semiconductor
  2. it is an indirect semiconductor
  3. of the availabity of nature oxide SiO 
  4. it is an elemental semiconductor

Q6:- The purpose of starting winding in a singe phase induction motor is to ?

  1. reduce losses
  2. increase losses
  3. produce rotating flux in conjunction with main winding
  4. limit temperature rise of the machine

Q7:- The no load primary current I is about of full load primary current of a transformer
  1. above 40%
  2. 3-5%
  3. 15-30%
  4. 30-40%

Q8:- The no load i/p power to a transformer is practically equal to loss in the transformer
  1. windage 
  2. iron
  3. eddy current
  4. copper

Q9:- Each of the following statements regarding a shaded poe moto is true except:
  1. it has very poor efficiency 
  2. its direction of rotation is from unshaded to shaded portion of poles 
  3. it has high starting torque 
  4. it has very poor power factor

Q10:- An arc bow is a welding defect that is countered with the help of carrying
  1. the resistance welding 
  2. the thermit welding
  3. the arc welding using AC supply
  4. the arc welding using DC supply

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