Saturday, March 18, 2017



  • The transformer is a device that transfers electrical electrical energy from one electrical circuit to another electrical though the medium of magnetic field and without a change in the frequency.
  • Transformer is an electromagnetic energy conversion device since the energy received by the primary is first converted to magnetic energy and it is then he converted to useful electrical energy in the other circuit.
  • Thus primary and secondary winding of a transformer are not connected electrically but are coupled magnetically.
  • The step up Transformer have more secondary winding turns in comparison to primary winding i.e. the secondary voltage is higher than the primary voltage.
  • The step down Transformer have less secondary winding turns in comparison to primary winding i.e. the secondary winding voltage is lesser than the primary voltage.
  • In a transformer the electrical energy transfer from one circuit to another circuit takes place without the use of moving parts it has therefore the highest possible efficiency out of all the electrical machine and requires almost negligible amount of maintenance.
  • Transformer is widely used in prominent areas of electrical engineering.
  1. In communication system input Transformer connected the microphone output to the first stage of an electronic amplifier.
  2. It is used in radio and television circuit.
  • In electronic and control circuit Transformer are used for Impedance Matching for maximum power transformer from source to the load.
  • Pulse Transformer are used in application in radar and digital computer.
  • In power electronics it is used widely which is given below

  1. For GATE pulse triggering
  2. For synchronising the pulse getting signals with AC supply voltage given to the main power circuit 
To be continue.........