Thursday, September 8, 2016

UPRVNL Questions

Q1:-When using air blast circuit breaker current chopping is a phenomenon which is observed when

  1. a heavy load is switch off
  2. a transformer on no load is switched off
  3. a bank of capacitor is switched off
  4. along overhead line is switched off

Q2:- An ideal current source has 

  1. infinite internal resistance
  2. low voltage
  3. zero internal resistance
  4. infinite current

Q3:- In a vibrating reed type of frequency meter all the reeds

  1. have different natural frequencies 
  2. have same natural frequency 
  3. are not placed closed to an electromagnet
  4. are of identical dimensions and weight

Q4:-The energy meter installed at a resistance charges the consumer for use
  1. product of voltage and current 
  2. apparent power 
  3. reactive power 
  4. true power 

Q5:- If the no of branches in a n/w is B the number of nodes is N the number of independent loops is L then the number of independent node equations will be 
  1. B-1
  2. N-1
  3. N+L-1
  4. B-N

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