Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Basic Knowldge Of EEE

Q1:- A passive n/w has

  1. no current source
  2. no emf source
  3. only emf source
  4. neither current sources nor emf source

Q2:- The lekage reactance of 3-phase alternator determined by performing

  1. open ckt and zero power factor tests
  2. zero power factor and sip tests
  3. open ckt and short ckt tests
  4. short ckt and slip test

Q3:- The use of the higher flux density in the t/f design
  1. reduces the weight per KVA
  2. increase the weight per KVA
  3. has no relation with weight of t/f
  4. increase the weight per KW

Q4;- Two transformer operating in parallel wi shae the laod depending upon their
  1. rating
  2. lekage reactance
  3. efficiency 
  4. per unit impedance

Q5:-The speed of dc motor can be controlled by the the variation of 
      a. armature voltage 
      b.field current 
      c.armature ckt resistance  
      d.angle of brush shift 
  1. a,b and c
  2. b,c and d
  3. a,c and d
  4. a,b and d

Q6:- a. supply voltage 
         b. excitation current 
          c. max value of load angle
the max power developed by synchronous motor is a function of which of the above 
  1. a and b
  2. a and c
  3. b and c
  4. a,b,and c 

Q7:- Which of the following method gives more accurate result fo determination of voltage regulation of an alternator
  1. mmf method 
  2. synchronous impedance method
  3. potier triangle method
  4. american institution standard method

Q8:-Which one of the following is not a necessary condition to be satisfied for synchoronizing and incoming alternator to an already operating alternator?
  1. same vlotage magnitude
  2. same frequency
  3. same prime mover speed
  4. same phase sequence

Q9:-Which of the following statement is correct ? A smaller gap in a poly phase I.M. helps to
  1. reduce the chances of cawling
  2. increase the starting torque
  3. reduce the change of cogging
  4. reduce the magnetizing current

Q10:- In computer printer driver which motor is suitable 
  1. reluctance motor
  2. hysteresis motor
  3. shaded pole motor
  4. stepper motor

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